Public Schools
Looking to give your child everything they need to succeed? Our public schools are here to help.
Contact Info
Public schools
Every public school in Tangipahoa Parish provides a safe and innovative environment in which each student can gain a high-quality education and a pathway to success. An abundance of resources are available to help all of our students reach their highest goals. All of our efforts are guided by our core values, “Be Respectful, Be Compassionate, Be Great!”

Services provided
Our Pre-K through 12 public schools offer students the opportunity to thrive in so many ways. With a strong appreciation of the valuable role the family plays in a child's progress and success, we encourage and foster participation of students, family members, teachers, and staff in a complete educational process. Some of the services offered include:
All services are supplemented with a wide range of additional resources, ensuring that students always have a path to success.
For a more complete list of services and resources available, visit the links below.

application info
How to Apply
Schedule an appointment
An Early Childhood staff member will assist with applications, income calculations, and screening.
Parents will need to have the following documents to apply:
Original birth certificate
Driver’s License or Picture I.D.
2 - 4 Current paycheck stub(s) – two previous month’s salary for the household or SNAP
Guardianship Papers (If applicable) and IFSP
IEP if applicable
Current Immunization Records

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